Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Igford comes to life!

The deadline came and went, and Igford arrived - and delivered! While not a completed game by any means, the functional demonstration was played by my Tutors during my final presentation, and many more people at the end of year show!

Much Haste to Igford! - Final Project footage from Rich Morgan on Vimeo.

I'm so pleased that it all came together in the end. It was an awful lot of hard work, research, perseverance and frustration but Much Haste to Igford! achieved it's goals - and not only that, but I graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Creative Computer Game Design for my efforts!

Much Haste to Igford! is currently offline while I attend to pressing issues such as self-promotion and job hunting, but I do intend on releasing it as a playable Beta when I have the means to package it in the UDK (my computer seems to lack the capabilities of doing this at present). Watch this space!

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